Thursday, July 19, 2012

I cant believe that tomorrow I am 24 weeks... I have been having some freak out moments over the past few days! We have not bought a single thing for baby R! Well I take that back we have one blanket and a pair of booties... I am pretty sure that wont cut it. We are coming up on 3 months away and that seems like nothing!

Just ordered two books I am so excited about! Thank you

Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way: Revised EditionLink

Husband-Coached Childbirth (Fifth Edition): The Bradley Method of Natural ChildbirthLink

We decided to forgo the Bradley childbirth class as long as we promised ourselves to read. Thankfully these books will arrive just in time for our trip to the lake... I am sure Hubs is really excited to be forced to read. It will make for interesting conversations I am sure!

The next few things on my list of must have:
Car Seat
2 bases
Uppa baby Stroller
Co-Sleeper or King size bed
Rocking Chair
Coming home outfit (for some reason this is really important to me)

The rest of the stuff we will hopefully get at our shower :)

Baby R is moving TONS! I have heard mothers get annoyed by this, but I LOVE IT! Besides the few aches and pains I have been experiencing I truly do LOVE being pregnant! I have been craving a scone... so I think I am going to attempt baking them myself????