
Life... its a daily endeavor! Sometimes its Great! Sometimes its not so Great! This is why we need balance and the Lord by our side!

My life is summed up with being a Wife, Sister, Daughter, Friend, Counselor, Foodie, Gym Lover, Design Magnet... the list goes on. My desire is that my life will be an example to others; whether its what not to do, or just a fun new recipe or restaurant to try! As I strive to follow Christ each day, I pray you will glean a little piece of Him through my blog.

My life journey has been a pursuit to be healthy and to be the women God intends me to be. In this endeavor I have learned what my body needs to be healthy and have struggled with the daily thought life that comes with being me. Some days I think I am great, I am eating well and I am exercising the way I should be. Other days I over eat or I think I do and I want to work out for hours... it all comes down to BALANCE and surrender to the Lord.

Join me in the Journey of walking with the Lord! Join me in the battle against lies and living a whole healthy life! The same foods I eat to stay healthy and the work outs I do to stay healthy might work for your body and might not. We are all created different, listen to your body, know your life and follow what works best for you!

Life is not a diet... its life, ENJOY IT! If you struggle with eating too little or eating too much God has the perfect plan for you! Pray and ask for direction, for help, for guidance! Contact me or another licensed counselor or nutritionist for help!