Monday, June 13, 2011

Back by Popular Demand...

By Popular Demand, I mean my sister and my mom! This past weekend our entire family road tripped to Wisconsin for my cousins graduations party. It was a PARTY! With lots of YUMS including... make your own quesadilla and an overwhelming amount of SUGAR!

Boy did I fall off the band waggon of no SUGAR. With so much temptation around, I fell head deep into the custard! Really it wasn't that bad, but boy did I feel the Sugar low the next day. I felt NASTY!

As Hubs said tomorrow (meaning today) is a new day and we have to jump back on to our health train. So that is what I am doing!

Because I am so passionate about healthy eating and healthy living all rolled up into a balanced life. I have decided to have you send me your not so healthy recipes and I will remix them! Make them more nutritious, few calories, and over all healthier! So send me some recipes and I will post a remix after my Ginny pig husband tries them out and gives the thumbs up!

Hope you have a great Monday!

1 comment:

  1. GREAT!!! I love it, and I will work on a recipe. In the meantime, put the link to your blog and the new post on your facebook. :-) I will add it to mine too! Great blog idea! I am trying to decide which recipe I want to remake. And, I think it should be very sugary!!! Haha!

    Love, Love
