My best "girlfriend", Brooke, got married over the weekend and it was an absolutely perfect wedding! It made me appreciate the many best friends I have in my life. My ultimate best friend: My loving husband! Brooke's ceremony reminded me how important it is for your spouse to be your best friend and Hubs sure is mine! It was a good "check" to make sure we are always having fun together and investing into each other lives, making sure to set aside quality, loving, fun time with each other. How could one not want to have fun with this good looking man!
I cant wait for Brooke to get back from her Honeymoon so we can have girl time and I can hear all about it. Here is a picture of the beautiful bride!
It also reminded me of some other best friends I have in my life. My mom, and two sisters... they were so beautiful this weekend and I had so much fun with them all weekend. These three women beauty radiates from the inside out! They are some amazing women who I know I can always call on for a good time, good accountability, and good counsel!
Friends are amazing gift from God... I think this is why I am so overjoyed for my friend Brooke. She was a beautiful bride and so excited to get married. She was the essence of purity and I loved seeing her so excited for marriage! It is a wonderful thing I get to experience with my hubs and now Brooke and I can truly encourage each other on the path of being a wife.
That is a wonderful tribute to friendship! :-) Love it!!!