Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Psalms 25:1

Trust is one of the hardest things for me, when I don't like what I see and am not really sure what is going to happen... I find myself in this place sometimes with the Lord. It is hard for me to trust that His plan is going to be a good one. Why? Has he ever failed me... NOPE! So I cling to this verse that I have taped to my computer.

Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever. Psalms 25:1

This verse gives me energy to keep on trusting and keep on going :)

Happy Hump Day! God always has a plan! You never know how He is going to use something!  Enjoy some pictures from Pinterest! Clever ways to use...

Tarts!  In Mason jar lids!! Tarts in a Mason Jar Lid

black sandpaper on top to light matches- great idea! way cuter than the boxes! Black Sand Paper on top of lid to light a match

CD packs for ribbon storage  CD packs for ribbon storage

For easy pancake designs..... also for storing pancake batter so you can make only a few pancakes at a time. Brilliant!  Perfect Pancake

1 comment:

  1. Can you imagine how much fun your nieces and nephews would have making pancakes in a ketchup bottle! Great idea!!!

    Trust in the Lord and He will make your paths straight! :-)
