Tuesday, August 21, 2012

28 weeks!

My favorite part of being 28 weeks pregnant is that if our baby was born today, it is very likely baby would survive outside the womb! How exciting! Hubs and I spent the weekend cleaning out my closet, building a changing table, and getting ready for baby! I just finished Natural Childbirth The Bradley Way by Susan McCutcheon and now have a list of list I need to make to prepare for labor and delivery! I thought I would be more nervous for delivery but am actually getting very excited! I am excited to see how God has designed out bodies to deliver a baby!

My other favorite part of being pregnant is the sweet time I have alone with baby before we fall asleep or before we get out of bed. I get to feel baby move and kick! It is so fun! I look forward to it daily!

My bump is getting bigger and the more challenging parts of being pregnant have come. I have some minor aches and pains, but more so I just feel like I am slowing down. I cant walk as fast or get out of chair as quickly as I used to be able to. But my goal is to keep moving till D-Day!

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