So often we are fear stricken, causing us to hide our flaws, hide our hurts, hide our insecurities, really hide anything that we don't see as acceptable in ourselves and fear others wont accept. Why do we hide?
I believe we hide because we don't want to be found imperfect or unlovable. The crazy thing is... we are all imperfect and we are all loved by the Lord. So why then is this so very hard to believe?
In my own life I find myself trying to hide my emotions, my struggles, and my hurts for fear that no one will want to deal with them. I try to deal with it myself and with out failure every time it ends up a bigger deal than if I would have just been honest with others about my emotions, struggles, and hurts.
I am learning daily not to hide but to be honest and allow God to work in your life. Allow others to comfort you, support you, encourage you, and even challenge you. Do not be self sufficient because none of us are perfect and we all need each other and God to guide us! It takes a lot of Faith not to Hide and a lot of Courage! God is Faithful! He seeks after us! Its just easier when we avoid the game of Hide and Seek!
You are a wise woman! I'm thankful for your transparency!