1. It was relaxing!
2. Lots of Sun time = TAN
3. Spent the entire weekend with 3 special kiddos!
4. Lots of time with Hubs... and some growth :)
With all the many blessings from the weekend, I also am continually reminded it is TOUGH being a woman! This weekend proved to me that I am not in control! My husband asked me last night what do you feel like God is teaching you through all of this (this being endometriosis and all the medicine I have taken or currently taking) My answer begrudgingly is... Patience and I am not in Control! I am not one for lack of control!
I am out of control of my emotions, I am out of control of the weight I am gaining despite how healthy I eat and the amount of exercise I do! So what do you do when life feels like its OUT OF CONTROL! First ... give it up! Its hard to do, but its best for you and all around you! I know when I try to take control... I act like a nut case trying to manage all those around me! It is not pleasant!
So give up control! Give it over to the Lord! He wants us to trust him with our lives and give it all to him!
So I am truly going to try and give it up! Not worry! Not worry about what I eat, what I wear, or what the future holds! Matthew 6: 25-34
This is very hard for a girl who always wants a plan and always wants to know what is next!
Trust God to do His magic! He is the only one who has the Power! Really no matter how Wacko I felt this weekend (I was a not so nice girl to those around me) It really was a blessed weekend!
PS-- I am so thankful for my husband who puts up with all my craziness! He listens to me cry about the same thing over and over and over and is so sweet each time! Thanks for being patient!
This is us celebrating his 32nd Birthday! He is a keeper!
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