Thursday, March 3, 2011

TBT part 2

TBT (The Bloody Truth)

I found out my dad is reading my blog... HA! He was alittle disgusted by part 1. He sympathizes with me though!

TBT Part 2 is about the new diet I get to embark and honestly its not much different than I have always eaten. I really believe God designed our bodies to know what we need and what we don't need. I am amazed how similar I desire to eat and an Endometriosis diet are. I am only having to make a few small changes and watch for hidden ingredients (who knew soy was in Olive Oil cooking Spray! Thanks Kelli)

Endo Diet

1. Lots of Raw Fruits and Vegetables---Check
2. No Animal Fat---I have never been a big meat eater
3. No Soy---I used to drink Soy Milk then it started making me feel nauseous so stopped---PTL
4. No Wheat---This is the one struggle but hasn't been bad (I am allowed about 1slice of wheat bread/day)
5. No Sugar---Check (I try to keep this in balance, but I really don't eat much sugar)
6. Any whole grain except wheat (Barley, Quinoa, Brown Rice, Corn)--Check
7. Lentils and Beans--YUMMY
8. Its debatable about Dairy---so for now fat free milk and yogurt will stay but in minimal quantities
9. Omega 3's---Check ---give me some avocado and salmon!

I haven't found this diet too difficult! The only somewhat of a challenge is healthy meat free options when eating out and no wheat. I am allowing myself lean meats when its the healthiest option, but when at home it probably wont make its way to my mouth.

:-) Have a Great Day!

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