Monday, October 3, 2011

4 days off and Feeling GOOD!

Sometimes we just need to take a day off or maybe 4... I took sometime off last week and am feeling so refreshed!

I was able to do all of my favorite things...

I baked Banana Bread and Made some healthy desserts to throw in the freezer for hubs. I went shopping with my mom and out to Breakfast at my favorite! La Mie! I went to out to lunch and shopping in the East Village. I stayed home all day Friday and did absolutely nothing (cleaned, baked, worked out, watched TV) Hubs and I spent time with our families. Visited my sister at her Bazaar. Went to the Body World Exhibit. It was FASCINATING!!!!

Church was great yesterday too! I am really trying to embrace who God made me to be and to live to be that person! Following Him every step of the way. There are many times when this is hard! Like right now when I am not happy with my hormone overloaded body (ie...the weight I have gained) but I know God made my body exactly how he wanted it and my body will respond to meds just has God designed. So I need to keep treating it well and enjoying life.

Listen to our sermon here. I don't think you will regret it!

1 comment:

  1. I had a blast spending time with YOU! :-)

    ps... the link to the sermon isn't there.... tried it since I missed it.
